October 24 - December 5, 2014

M.A.P. (Mail Art Project)

M.A.P. was created to bring together a community of artists through art in the form of mail. The concept of this project was for a piece of mail art to be created and mailed to an individual who could then choose to:
•"Add and Return", expand on the work received to create a collaborative piece of art and return it to Olin Hall Galleries
•"Add and Pass", adding to the work, and sending it on to someone else
•Create their own original piece of mail art and send it to Olin Hall Galleries
•Keep the mail art they received

Olin Hall Galleries has organized this visual “pen-pal” venture and M.A.P. exhibition to represent an international outreach and exchange from Roanoke and the surrounding areas. Our goal was to have a M.A.P. piece mailed to every country and U.S. state.
These works have been documented through a world map that tags the locations in which pieces have traversed.

And an interactive map is located here: https://www.zeemaps.com/map?group=753605